Teen Wolf Fanfics

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Misc One-Shots

When I Look Into Your Eyes
1,035 words | Genfic | Reflection, Family, Character Analysis
Characters: Melissa McCall, Scott McCall
Summary: Melissa reflects on the changes her son has gone through over the years, as well as the things that will never change.

Little Saves
950 words | Genfic | Post-Series, Vet!Scott, Medical Procedures
Characters: Scott McCall, Liam Dunbar
Summary: Liam's dog is injured and Scott has to step in to help it.

Homing Beacon
1,559 words | Genfic | Post-Series, College, Friendship
Characters: Scott McCall, Stiles Stilinski, Liam Dunbar
Summary: Despite supernatural threats, alpha responsibilities, and a hunter war, Scott has managed to graduate college. Stiles wants to celebrate, Scott is just happy to be going home to his pack.

1,813 words | Genfic | Post-Canon, Movie Canon, Pack Bonding
Characters: Scott McCall, Eli Hale, the McCall Pack
Summary: The McCall Pack gathers to support Eli during his first lacrosse game of the season.

Episode Tags

What Would You Trade The Pain For?
1,437 words | Genfic | Angst, Hurt No Comfort, Episode Tag
Characters: Scott McCall
Summary: Scott used to believe everyone had one chance at life. You live, you die. It all sounded so simple. Then he actually did die. And he came back. And the idea of death wasn’t at all simple anymore.