October is over. And, with it, about a million different prompt challenges on tumblr. October is the month of themed prompt challenges, and I was foolish enough to sign up for most of them. However, I did set a realistic goal for myself with it -- I only wanted to do 31 total prompts this month, mixing and matching my favorites from each list.
So, now that October is over, how did it go?
I'm so happy to announce that I actually completed my goal! More than that, I flew past the original goal and filled 55 total prompts!!
Over on my dreamwidth profile, I created a wrap up post with a full masterlist of all the fics I wrote for the challenge, which you can find here if you're interested. There are also a bunch more fics that I started to work on for the event but couldn't get done in time. I'm hoping I can still complete those ones later on, even if they'll be too late to count for the challenge.
And now my frantic writing for this month can come to end... just in time to dive immediately into NaNoWriMo next month! (I'm going to be SO done with writing by the end of November lol.)
Background Image by Annie Nyle