Pebble's Treasure Box

Welcome to my attic! This is where I keep random things I've found around the internet. This is the place for all the stuff that doesn't fit elsewhere on the site. Youtube videos I found interesting, articles I liked, research into the most random topics, etc. It all gets carefully stored away in the treasure box.

Circle of the Dragon - A cool webpage with a list of different breeds of dragons.

The Toybox Philosopher: WuvLuv Review - A blog post reviewing the WuvLuv toys from the late 90's/early 00's. I used to own a WuvLuv as a kid, so it makes me happy to see other people discovering these fun, weird little creatures.

MyHouse.wad: Inside Doom's Most Terrifying Mod - A youtube video that gives a very thorough breakdown of one of the most fascinating game mods I've ever seen. (Warning: the video has a vaguely creepy/unsettling vibe and the game mod being discussed has some potentially disturbing elements to it.)

A Mysterious Youtube Commenter - The bizarre and surprisingly heartwarming story of a random youtube commenter and the community that came together to support them.

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