Hi there!

Welcome to my site! This little guy is Marvin and will be your guide here. Feeling a little lost? Marvin has a handy site map for you right here! Feel free to look around and have fun exploring my messy little corner of the web.

Curious about my site mascot? His name is Marvin and he started out as a "poster pet" in my mom's college dorm. You can read his story and why I'm giving him a permanent home here.


This website is my little personal project to help me get better at coding, test out ideas, and also to store all my various fandom interests and hobbies. It is a constant work in progress, and I'm forever adding and changing stuff around, so apologies if it gets confusing around here at times.

In online spaces, I tend to go by the usernames "scifipony" or "pebble". I'm a massive scifi geek and also a casual video game enjoyer. I love writing stories and making art, but am very much an amateur at both. All my fanworks are done purely for fun and out of love for the source material/characters/stories, so please don't take any of it too seriously.

My Fandoms

My fannish habits are often dictated by my ADHD brain, so they have a tendency to come and go. However, I also have quite a few "forever fandoms" that are always going be special to me. Some of these are Star Trek, Stargate, Star Wars, Farscape, DC Comics, and Sherlock Holmes.

Some of my other current fandoms include: Psych, MCU, the Spider-verse movies, The Pretender, The Librarian/Librarians franchise, Kaiju movies, Tron/Tron Legacy, old B-Westerns, old musicals, and various cartoons.

If you'd like a better idea what I'm up to in the fandom world, check out My Fandoms page!

Current Projects!

A quick look at some of my current fandom activities!

  • Rebuilding my Superman fansite
  • Building this site (which I'm guessing will take me a long while to finish lol)
  • Editing and archiving all of my fanfics
  • Icons! So many icons! Check out my dreamwidth to see them, and feel free to grab any that you like
My Fandoms
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Site code: scifipony | Layout inspo: punkwasp | Scrolling box: sadgrl