No More Portals

by pebble/scifipony

Fandom: DC Comics
Characters: Kon-El, Jon Kent, Kong Kenan, Otho-Ra, Osul-Ra
Words: 336
Tags: Family, Humor, Superfamily, Sibling Bonding
Warnings: None
Author's Notes: Set during "Dawn of DC" continuity.

“Never again. Nope, no way. Nuh-uh.”

Jon slowed down, turning to look over his shoulder at the other teen with confusion. “What are you talking about?”

Several feet back, Kon had pulled to a hard stop, refusing to fly any further into the cave. He shook his head and crossed his arms over his chest. “Exactly what I said. This—” he waved a hand vaguely at the mysterious purple light in front of them “—it’s not happening. Not this time.”

Jon shot a glance over to Kenan, who merely shrugged, equally perplexed.

“Okay,” Jon tried again. “Care to enlighten us?”

“No more shiny, otherworldly energy portals,” Kon said, staring at the ball of light with obvious distaste. “The last three times I touched one of those things, I ended up trapped in other universes. Not this time. I am sick of the multiverse.”

“You’ve traveled to other universes?” Osul asked, both his and his sister's eyes lighting up with excitement.

“Oh sure,” Kon told him with a shrug. “Other universes, alternate timelines, the past, the future, you name it. Plus that one time the Justice League shot me into hyper-time with no way to get back home.”

“We don’t technically know this is a portal to another universe,” Jon pointed out, “or that anything bad is going to happen.”

Kon shook his head, not budging an inch. “Not happening. No more portals.”

“Fine,” Jon said, not hiding the amusement in his voice. “Kenan and I will go explore the mysterious new energy source while you stay back here babysitting the twins.” He cut off Otho’s immediate protest with a quick, “No way. Mom and Dad will kill us if we don’t get you back home in one piece. Have fun with that, Kon.”

As he flew back over to rejoin Kenan, he heard Kon call out after them, “Fine! But when I have to fly in there after you guys to rescue you from some purple, dinosaur-infested planet, I will be saying I told you so!”

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