McKay Detail

by scifipony / pebble

Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Characters: John Sheppard, Rodney McKay
Words: 300
Tags: Fluff, Holiday Parties, Slice of Life
Warnings: None
Author's Notes: Written for the December 2023 sweetandshort challenge on Dreamwidth, for the prompt "Holiday Party".

"Come on, Rodney," John tried again. "We're now two hours late."

Rodney didn't look up from his laptop as he waved a hand dismissively. "Five more minutes."

"That's what you said twenty minutes ago."

"You know you can go without me," Rodney pointed out.

John shook his head, kicking his feet up onto the desk, where he knew it would bother the scientist. "Can't. I've been put on 'McKay detail' -- some people are under the impression you won't show up unless I drag you there."

"It's a Christmas party," Rodney said, pushing the colonel's feet back off. "Since when is that mandatory?"

"The point is to lift crew spirits and show some togetherness," John said, repeating Elizabeth's speech as best he could remember. "Look, is this project going to blow up, overload, or cause a Wraith invasion if it waits until morning?"

Rodney let out an aggrieved sigh. "No."

"Then let's go."

"Five more minutes," he repeated, continuing his typing. "Make yourself useful and pass me the coffee."

A sudden idea sparking in his brain, John reached over and poured the contents of the nearby coffee pot into Radek's mug. "Huh," he waved the empty container at his teammate, "Guess you're all out."

"What?!" That finally pulled the physicist's attention away from his work. "How is it out again? I swear, those new biologists soak that stuff up like sponges."

"Y'know, I'm sure they have more in the cafeteria."

Rodney narrowed his eyes at him. John did his best to affect an innocent expression. He knew his friend wasn't buying it, but he also knew scientists couldn't live without their coffee. He'd already won.

"Okay, fine." Rodney snapped his laptop shut. "Happy?"

John grinned. Only two hours late; he just won fifty bucks from Elizabeth. "Very happy. Shall we go?"

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