
by pebble/scifipony

Fandom: The Flash (TV 2014)
Characters: Savitar, Frost
Pairings: SaviFrost
Words: 385
Tags: Fluff, Romance, AU
Warnings: None
Author's Notes: Written for the "10 out of 20" challenge on dreamwidth. Haven't decided yet if this belongs in the Tomorrow-verse AU or is a standalone fic. Either way, this takes place in an AU where Savitar was redeemed and is dating Frost.

Savitar tossed another log onto the fire before taking a seat beside her on the couch. Smiling, Frost curled into his side and let her head rest against his arm.

"I take it back. This isn't actually a terrible idea," she said, shooting an appreciate glance around the little cabin. As bare bones as it was, the place was thankfully warm and comfortable. "Just don't get any ideas about camping or nature hikes after this. I think this is as rustic as I'm willing to go."

"That's okay," he said, "I'm not exactly an outdoorsman myself."

"Too busy playing with a chemistry set to go camping as a kid, huh?" she teased.

"Something like that," he murmured, tone softening as he wrapped his arms around her, drawing her in closer.

Frost smiled and shifted so that she was resting against his chest, letting the heat of the fire and the warmth of his body lull her into a more sleepy state. It was so cozy in here, it was almost easy to forget the storm raging outside. Or the fact that they were supposed to be heading back to Star Labs right now.

"Think the team will miss us if we show up a few hours late for the post mission briefing?" she asked. Not that the answer mattered. She had no intention of moving any time soon. She might not be bothered by cold, but that didn't mean she couldn't appreciate the inherent comfort of a crackling fire on a snowy night.

Savitar shrugged. "I mean, what would they expect us to do? That blizzard hit out of nowhere. We were lucky to find this cabin when we did. They can't fault us for the weather."

"You do realize that between your superspeed and my cryokinetic powers, we're not actually trapped by that blizzard, right? We could be back in Central City in--"

"Frost. Shh." He leaned down and silenced her protest with a gentle kiss. He pulled back afterwards, hovering a mere breath away. "Don't know what you're talking about. The storm looks pretty dangerous to me."

Frost smiled again, reaching a hand up to grab the back of his neck. "On second thought, I guess we'd better not take any chances," she agreed, before pulling him in for a much less gentle kiss.

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