Let It Snow

by pebble/scifipony

Fandom: The Flash (TV 2014)
Characters/Pairings: Savitar/Frost
Words: 852
Tags: Fluff, Romance, Christmas Fluff, AU
Warnings: None
Author's Notes: n/a

“Hey, look, I’m sorry you guys aren’t going to make it back for Christmas Eve,” Barry apologized for what had to be the fifth time in this one phone call. Savitar rolled his eyes, pacing another circle around the hotel room.

“It’s fine. If we minded, we wouldn’t have volunteered to take care of this thing in the first place. Besides, I’m sure tracking down this meta before she accidentally hurts anyone else is a lot more important than hanging lights and drinking eggnog.”

“I really appreciate you guys covering this one for us. Iris would have been crushed if I had to leave on Christmas Eve; she’s been planning this party for weeks.”

“Barry, if you apologize or feel the need to explain one more time, I’m going to hang up on you.”

“Fine. Sorry. Just… stay safe and have a good Christmas, okay? And tell Frost I said Merry Christmas.”

“Got it. You guys, too. Bye.”

He hung up and tossed the phone on the couch with a sigh. Sometimes it really puzzled him how the two of them used to be the same person. Between the changed timeline and their now vastly different life experiences, the similarities were hard to see anymore. Barry was definitely starting to feel more like a younger brother than an actual duplicate. An irritating, yet endearingly wholesome, younger brother at that.

“How upset is Caity that we aren’t there for the Christmas party?” Frost asked, stepping out of the adjoining bedroom. She’d changed out of her supersuit and into a gorgeous white holiday sweater and skirt. Savitar found his brain stuttering out for a moment and scrambled to remember what she’d asked.

“Uh, she’s fine. Barry said she misses you and threatened to kill me if we aren’t back in time for Christmas dinner tomorrow with your mother.” He nodded at her new outfit. “You going to be able to fight in that?”

“Well, if Cisco’s intel on this meta is correct, we shouldn’t have to fight,” Frost pointed out. The smirk on her face said she definitely noticed his reaction. “And we’re going to a party, so I thought I should fit in.”

It was a good idea. Savitar wished he’d thought to bring something nicer than his own sweatshirt and jeans. Of course, he’d been planning to stake out the party from outside and catch the meta as she was leaving, so packing a suit hadn’t felt necessary.

Frost extended a hand. “Come on, let’s go get this meta so we can still enjoy the rest of our night.”

Savitar hesitated, rubbing the back of his neck as he wondered if there’d still be any clothing stores open this late on Christmas Eve.

“Don’t worry about it,” Frost said, apparently guessing his concern. “So we’ll look a little conspicuous. It’s a fundraiser party for a library, not a gala. No one is going to care. We’ll go in, convince this woman to come get some tests done at STAR Labs, and maybe have time for a dance and some snacks while we’re there.”

The image of Frost in her white outfit twirling on the dance floor was enough to make him ignore his uncertainties. Sure, he still didn’t feel too comfortable in public spaces, but Frost usually had a way of drawing people’s attention solely to her, so he probably had nothing to worry about.

He took her outstretched hand and laced their fingers together. “Fine. But I’m serious about us needing to get back in time for Christmas dinner. Your sister is scarier than you are when she’s angry.”

They walked out of the hotel, hands linked and both mentally making plans for the rest of their night should this mission get wrapped up early.

“Wow,” Frost commented as they strolled down the sidewalk. “Coast City sure knows how to celebrate a holiday.”

He hummed his agreement, shooting an appreciative glance at all the lights, wreaths, and trees adorning the street on either side. It wasn’t quite the same as Christmas in Central City, but it was hard not to feel the festive spirit while walking under the softly twinkling lights.

“It’s almost perfect,” he agreed. “If only Coast City was capable of some actual winter weather. Still sixty degrees this long after sunset, I’d say there’s no chance of snow tonight.”

“Oh, honey,” Frost said, head tilting back with a smug smile. “You forget who you’re talking to.”

She waved her other hand, a delicate mist of cold vapor swirling through the air around it. A moment later, tiny crystals of snow began softly drifting down around them. Ever the artist, she of course felt the need to give them each their own intricate designs. Delicate little works of art that he had to admit were more than a little impressive.

“Okay, show off,” he said, squeezing her hand and using it to pull her a little closer. “But I bet I can still dance better than you.”

She smirked, tucking herself close against his arm. “Oh, I will definitely be making you prove that later.”

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