
by pebble/scifipony

Fandom: Farscape
Characters: John Crichton
Words: 100
Tags: Drabble, Angst, Dark
Warnings: Spoilers for The Peacekeeper Wars.
Author's Notes: Quick drabble set during John's return to Moya in The Peacekeeper Wars after he received the wormhole knowledge.

As he stumbled down the hallways of Moya, he could feel it. All of it. It was overwhelming his senses, filling his mind inside and out. It was crowding out his own thoughts and replacing them with these ideas and concepts he'd never even considered before.

He finally understood.

It was never merely about the wormholes. What the ancients had put in his head... it was the ability to grasp the unknowable. It was comprehension. Worse, it was knowledge — in its truest and rawest form. It was power.

And it terrified him more than the Scarrans and Peacekeepers ever could.

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