Trouble With Words

by pebble/scifipony

Fandom: DC Comics
Characters: Kon-El, Cassandra Cain
Words: 453
Tags: Fluff, Friendship, Pre-Relationship, First Dates, Misunderstandings
Warnings: None
Author's Notes: n/a

“Well, that’s the last of them,” Kon said, casually brushing some non-existent dust off his jacket.

Cass finished knocking out the criminal she’d been fighting and glanced around. He was right; the whole gang was either unconscious or tied up. Not bad. She nodded a brief acknowledgement to the super-teen and pulled out her phone. Barbara would appreciate a text that the mission was done. Also, Cass was trusting her mentor to inform the appropriate authorities, since she had no idea how this particular country felt about vigilantism. Past experience told her it was better not to stick around and find out.

“Y’know,” Kon said, hovering a few feet overhead. “For such anti-meta purists, you bat-people are sure quick to whistle for us supers when you need some heads banged together or a wall knocked down.”

Finished with her message, Cass put her phone away and looked up at him in surprise. She wasn’t always great at understanding words, but body language was an open book to her, and he looked annoyed.

He shrugged, feigning nonchalance. “Not that I mind or anything. I love having people use me as their personal attack dog. Just, you know, maybe try to pick on Kara or Steel next time the fight is halfway around the world in a country I can’t even pronounce.”

She eyed him curiously, trying to make any sort of sense out of what he’d said. Kon had the opposite problem from her — he tended to say far too many words, and yet somehow managed to never say much of anything.

“Well, this was fun,” he said at last, “but I have my own superhero stuff to get back to now. Have fun.” He tossed her a friendly salute in farewell and turned to fly away.

Oh. Oh.


Surprised, he pulled to a sudden halt and spun around. “What? Please don’t tell me I have to drag these thugs to the nearest police station, too,” he joked. “I don’t even know how to spell police in this language.”

Cass stepped forward, out of the line of sight of the captured gang, and pulled off her cowl. “No. Didn’t call you for them.”

Kon cocked his head to the side, obviously puzzled. “Okay... Well, then I guess I just wasted a few perfectly good punches.”

She shook her head. He wasn’t getting it. “Wanted you.”

He stared at her. She stared back patiently. It finally clicked and his face lit up with an adorable grin.

“Oh! Well, in that case,” he waved a hand at the city spread out around them, “I’ve never been to this part of the world. Care to show me around Europe?”

Cass smiled and took his hand. “Yes.”

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