
by pebble/scifipony

Fandom: DC Comics
Characters: Damian Wayne, Jon Kent
Words: 377
Tags: Humor, Friendship, Supersons
Warnings: None
Author's Notes: Set during Super Sons contuinity, so Damian is thirteen and Jon is ten.

"Whoa," Jon said, shaking his head. "Nope. That does not look like a good idea."

His hand mere inches away from grabbing the glowing crystal object, Damian let out an aggrieved sigh. "What is it now, Kent?"

"We have no idea what that is yet. You don't know what grabbing it will do."

"Exactly," Damian said, reaching for the shiny object again. "That's why I need to examine it."

"We don't know if messing with it will blow this whole place up," Jon argued, batting his hand away.

"I think you're being a little overdramatic."

"Damian, it's glowing."

Damian waved off his concern, stepping closer to the crystal. "Please. I'm the older one here, and more years of experience at this sort of thing. I think I know how to handle this."

"You're only three years older," Jon shot back. "I'm not letting you blow us up."

"Fine," Damian sighed. "Here's a compromise: You pick up the crystal and see if it blows up. And when nothing happens, you can pass it to me."

"And if something does go wrong?"

"You're invulnerable, right? Come on, if we keep arguing about this, the people who put this crystal here will come back for it. Would you rather let them pull off whatever evil plan they had in mind for it?"

And... well, that was a fair point. "Fine," Jon agreed reluctantly. "But if it blows up, I get to lead the next patrol."

He reached over and very carefully wrapped his hands around the small glowing object. Nothing happened. So far, so good. Taking a deep breath to steady his nerves, Jon gently removed the crystal from its base and held it closer, waiting to see how it would react.

"See?" Damian smirked. "Absolutely nothing--"

A sharp *click* from the crystal cut off his moment of gloating. Jon felt the crystal growing warmer in his hands as the glow escaping between his fingers turned up in intensity.

He glared at his friend. "You were saying?"

Damian shrugged. "At least we know what it was for. Now, I would suggest flying out of here before that thing finishes detonating."

Jon shook his head as he tucked the crystal against his chest and took off. "I really hate you sometimes."

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