Looks Like A Cinnamon Roll

by pebble/scifipony

Fandom: DC Comics
Characters: Jason Todd, Damian Wayne (Dick Grayson mentioned)
Words: 100
Tags: Drabble, Family, Humor, Brothers
Warnings: None
Author's Notes: Written for a drabble prompt challenge on LiveJournal in 2021; my prompt was "Looks like a cinnamon roll but could kill you"

"You two are so sweet."

Jason barely resisted rolling his eyes at the elderly bookseller. Forcing a smile, he pretended to be listening while actually keeping an eye out for their target.

"Your son is too adorable! How old is he?"

Momentarily stunned by the assumption that he was old enough to be a father, Jason almost didn't see Damian tense beside him. He recovered quickly and grabbed his brother's shoulder before the boy could contemplate this woman's demise.

"Nightwing," he muttered into his earpiece, "I think you'd better come get your 'adorable' gremlin before he murders a senior citizen."

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